In case of Web App on PC browser the screen size can vary. Developer can make his app's screen size flexible or optimized in specific size. It seems many web sites are made in a manner below :
- width : specific minimum and maximum width
- height : scroll
This seems quite reasonable since there is a wheel on mouse and it is easy to control vertical scroll.
However, on TV, developer can be aware of exact screen resolution of the target. It is recommended not to make scroll on TV screen. This may because TV users are used to the concept of "scene" on TV rather than "page".
In view of control, PC can be treated that it always have mouse which means user can reach anywhere on the web page with cursor.
However, on TV, most of TV is controlled by remote control which has 4 direction and ok keys. In this situation, user can move around on the TV screen, visiting positions where was designed to be possible to show focus. Tha focusable positions should be placed relative to others to make it clear where the focus will go when user press one of 4 direction keys.
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